Friday, July 9, 2010

Does the American "Left" Have Any Grip on Reality?

I want to address the Americans out there who really think that shit matters along party lines.

I mean cummon, now!

After all the CHANGE bumper stickers, the futile grasp at a functional public medical system, the ongoing wars of occupation without end, the shit-show of the Gulf of Mexico, the continuing bail-outs for the corporate elite, the unparalleled support for illegal occupation and the overt disregard for the 'common man', I mean COME ON!

Those elected will do ANYTHING for those who got them elected.

Welcome to the Oligarchy!

If you don't have more than six figures in an off-shore account, or physically have more than your body weight in gold, forget it. You are going to get fucked! And your kids are going to get fucked. And your grandkids... they're fucked too...

This is the world we're allowing to happen.

Where's the next war? Do some research and stop it before it happens. I can guarantee you that wherever you're from, there is some nasty shit being done with your tax dollars. This is YOUR money paying for the destruction of families far from your home. And by 'destruction' I mean the sensless KILLING of CIVILIANS. Not the glorious tales of battle, but the needless killing of children.

That's what really happens, and that is what's truly FUCKING CRAZY!

This is some truly looney shit that I can't stand by and watch any longer! Welcome to the first post and I really hope that you're angry, too! Without an angry population, politicians (and those they serve) have been allowed to get away with the worst crimes humanity has ever seen.

If the majority of the world is truly a democracy, I want my voice heard! NO MORE of the senseless killing! NO MORE killing to solve diplomatic issues! NO MORE lying to the populations of the largest quasi-democracies on the planet! NO MORE!

Enough of the FUCKING CRAZY people trying to kill us for their ends...

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